
How to Cook Healthy Food! 10 Breakfast Ideas, Lunch Ideas & Snacks for School, Work!

In this video, I'll show you ten quick and healthy breakfast and lunch ideas for school or workBoth perfect for days when you're running late and you want to have something nutritiousand tasty on the go. Hey Mom!I'm good! I just got back from school and now I'm eating some lunch. Oh. . .  you know just some potatoes and bread and then some tomatoes and some cheese. Yeah, pretty balanced! Oh mom, can you take me to the dance class I have it at 5. Ok great! See you then.  ByeMom? You know, never mind. . .  I'm not going to the dance class today. No, I feel really sick.  I don't know, maybe the potatoes were rotten.  I don't know. . . Yeah, I'm just gonna rest.  Ok.  See you, bye!I should really start eating healthier. . .  Let's do this!Hey loves! I'm super excited about today's video because it was requested a lot and I'venever filmed something like that before.  I'm going to show you 10 healthy breakfast andlunch ideas for back to school.  These are all very easy and quick to make - you canmake them the night before and then in the morning you just grab breakfast and lunchand you're good to go.  I hope you guys are excited and let's get started. Let's start with 5 delicious and healthy breakfast ideas! First we are making these deliciousoatmeal cookies.  You need just two ingredients to make them: One cup of oats and 2 ripe bananas. Peel and then mush the bananas with a fork until you get that runny consistency.  Putit into a bowl and add your oats.  Mix it well with a spoon and you can totally finish hereor you can add some more ingredients for a fuller taste.  I like to pop in some cinnamon. You can mix in chocolate chips, nuts, raisins whatever you prefer.  Take a parchment linedbaking tray and place on the mixture in little piles like this.  I am going to flatten thetop with a spoon, to make them look more like cookies.  I like to decorate mine with somedried blueberries and cranberries.  You could have just mixed this into the cookie mixture,but I like how the cookies look with the dried fruit on top.  Put your cookies in the ovenat 350 Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.  Here they are all done, smelling delicious! Put themin an air tight container and you have a great breakfast on the go ready.  You can make theseon the weekend and they will last you for the entire week.  When you are running latefor school you can just grab a couple of cookies and you're out the door.  A perfect way toget a nutritious and super tasty breakfast on the go.  I also love how you can tailorthis recipe by mixing in the ingredients you like. Another great breakfast to go idea is a yogurt and fruit in a cone! Take an ice cream coneand ignore me pretending to be a unicorn.  Put some fruit in the cone like that, I havesome blueberries, which you guys know I am obsessed with.  Take a big spoon of yogurt. I like using Greek version because it's thicker and also richer in protein than the usualone.  Put it on the cone just like ice cream and then top it off with some more fruit. I have blueberries and strawberries.  Voila, a minute breakfast that you can eat on yourway to school.  This breakfast is so yummy and it also looks adorable, right? I knowthat the cone contains sugar but you get your protein from yogurt and benefits from fruitso from time to time I think this is a great breakfast or a snack to have.  Cheers! Cheerswith a blueberry shot. . . If you like fruit as much as I do then you will love the next idea which is a fruit saladin a jar.  Basically you just want to cut small pieces of different fruits of your choiceand put those in the jar.  Today I found in the fridge some pineapple,which is one of my favorite fruits and is also a great source of vitamins C and B.  ThenI also have some strawberries, because who doesn't love strawberries right.  Here I havesome clementines too.  And no I don't know how to juggle.  To me clementines are sucha christmassy food.  The markets are full of this yummy fruit in November and December. In the jar I first popped some red currants, pineapple, then blueberries, strawberriesand clementines.  There you go - an easy and nutritious breakfast for school or work! Youcan make this fruit salad the evening before and in the morning you have a delicious breakfastwaiting for you. This next one is probably my favorite breakfast in the bunch – delicious granola bars withnuts, fruit and chocolate chips! You need chopped cashews, pumpkin seeds, chopped almonds,cranberries, puffed rice, dark chocolate chunks, flax seeds and a pinch of salt.  Give it alittle mix and then in a separate bowl combine one table spoon of almond or peanut butterand a quarter of a cup of rice syrup.  Stir those two together until you have a nice evenmixture and then pour it into the bowl with nuts and seeds.  Mix well until all the ingredientsare nicely incorporated, like that.  Put the mixture on a smaller parchment lined bakingsheet.  Flat it down really well to assure there are no free spaces in the mix.  Pop itin the oven and bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes.  You can cut your barswhen the mixture is still hot or you can wait for them to cool down.  These granola barsare seriously delicious! You can store them in an air tight container so they remain freshand crispy.  Or you can put your bar in a little plastic bag and you can have it as a snackduring the day.  The granola bars that you buy in a shop are usually packed with sugarand other unhealthy stuff.  With this homemade bars you know what you put in and you canalways adjust the recipe to your liking!When you have more time before your classes start you can make this breakfast, which isjust as yummy as it is pretty to look at! For the pepper eggs, first cut two slicesof pepper, which should be about half an inch thick.  Place them in a frying pan and beatone egg into each pepper ring.  See how cool this looks already!? Add a pinch of salt orany other seasoning of your choice.  While the eggs are cooking I am going to make somefruit kebabs, because I want this breakfast to be extra picture worthy! Take the fruitsof your choice and cut them into pieces.  Here I have some strawberries, a kiwi, a bananaand blueberries.  If you love blueberries, Norway is definitely the place to live.  Ifyou follow me on Instagram you know that.  I've been picking so much blueberries thisyear, they were literally everywhere! Here you go, how adorable are these and of coursetasty and healthy too! I love them.  When the eggs are done, carefully put them on a plate. And as a side we have our pretty fruit kebabs.  This breakfast is just delicious, nutritiousand totally Instagram worthy.  I mean come on, don't deny it, I know you do it to.  We'reall guilty here.  No but seriously, I think this is a great breakfast for when you havea bit more time and you want to eat something healthy, but also have fun preparing it.  Breakfastfor champs for sure!Now let's move on to the lunch portion of this video! First we are making some healthyegg muffins with veggies.  Beat three eggs into a mixing bowl.  Take your hand mixer andwhisk the eggs.  While doing that add about a deciliter of milk and one or two table spoonsof flour.  I am using almond milk and buckwheat flour, but any milk and flour will do.  Pourthe mixture into the muffin form.  Since I have the silicone form I don't have to usethe paper muffin cups.  But go ahead and use those if you have them.  Leave the muffinsaside for a minute and cut the veggies of your choice into small pieces.  I have somepepper, tomato and a zucchini.  You can also put in mushrooms, carrots, spinach or anyother vegetables of your choice.  Throw the veggie pieces into the muffin mixture – asmuch or as little as you like.  I like to be quite generous with vegetables so I am puttingin loads of them.  Put the muffins in the oven and bake at about 320 degrees Fahrenheit for20 minutes.  These muffins are so yummy and healthy and you can have them hot or cold. Make them the day before and then take them to school or work.  I added some grapes, gojiberries and almonds to my lunch box as well.  The egg muffins are also nice as a littlesnack at home.  In the fridge they will last you up to 3 to 4 days.  A tasty and nutritiouslunch for school. A great lunch idea on the go is a salad in a jar.  The options here are endless so usewhatever salad you like or happen to have in the fridge.  I'm going to use some cherrytomatoes – these are so sweet and good.  I also like to add a lot of peppers, I havea yellow and an orange one.  I will also add some cucumber to my salad.  Finally I am cuttingsome feta cheese cubes and now it's time to throw all of that goodness into a jar! Youcan make this salad the day before school and then just grab it in the morning.  Especiallyif you are not using leafy greens in your salad like me.  Drizzle with a bit of oliveoil and a splash of lemon juice for the dressing.  You can throw this salad in your school bagand have it ready for when your tummy gets hungry.  I eat salad for lunch almost everyday and I love how it fills you up but it is also a light meal.  Heavy lunches sometimesmake me feel tired and without energy for the rest of the day.  A nice salad like thiswill instead make you feel refreshed and full of energy. Next we're making this delicious spelt bread sandwich! I am going to show you how I makethe most tasty and quick bread from scratch.  Put five hundred grams of spelt flour intoa bowl.  I am using a mix of finely and coarsely ground flour.  Add a tablespoon of baking soda,a teaspoon of sugar, I am using coconut sugar, a pinch of salt, two table spoons of oliveoil, juice of half a lemon and 5,5 deciliters of water.  Mix this thoroughly until all theingredients are evenly combined.  Pour the mixture into a bread form.  Sprinkle with somesunflower seeds and put it in the oven.  Bake for an hour at 320 degrees Fahrenheit.  Thisbread only takes 10 minutes of your time and is just so much healthier than the ones youbuy in a supermarket, which normally have too much salt added plus all the preservativesand other nasty stuff.  Since I learned this recipe from my boyfriend's mom almost a yearago, I never bought bread again, trust me.  I always bake it myself.  Cut two slices ofbread and make yourself a nice tasty sandwich.  I like to spread some butter on one pieceand then add some lettuce, turkey slices, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese plus pickleswhich are like my favorite thing in the whole world.  And that's it, a delicious spelt breadsandwich.  Into my lunch box I also added some red currants and blueberries.  A super tastylunch for school or work.  Yum yum.  And here you have an example of an epic fail whilefilming.  Anyway this was my healthier twist on a sandwich that you really need to try!Now let's make a little lunchable or tapas inspired lunch box.  First I am going to showyou how to make these yummy ham rolls.  Take some ham or turkey slices and spread on somebrie cheese.  Put on a few rocket leaves.  Roll the ham like this and secure it with a toothpick. These rolls are so tasty, and perfect for a snack, lunch or even a party.  You can makethem in advance and store them in a fridge in an air tight container.  In my lunch boxI am putting a cracker, three turkey rolls and then I also decided to add some veggies. So here I am cutting carrots into thin sticks.  Do the same with cucumbers and put all ofthese vitamins into a lunch box.  We're not finished yet – here are some dried apricotsand cashew nuts.  My mouth water while I am just looking at all of this goodness.  Thislunch is great for on the go as it contains so many little snacks that you can have duringthe day when you get a bit hungry.  You can also add some cherry tomatoes, cheese sticksor whatever you prefer.  If you make yourself a nice lunch box filled with healthy stuffthat you actually love, you definitely won't be craving a pica or chocolate bars from thevending machine. Lastly we are making a super tasty tuna wrap, which is just so good, trust me.  What youneed is some cheese, cherry tomatoes, olives and pickles all cut into small pieces, plussome canned tuna, mayonnaise and a tortilla.  Put everything into a bowl. .  except the tortillaobviously and mix well.  If you want to make this healthier you can use the whole wheattortilla and you can skip the mayo, but I think this combination is just so good soI am totally having it.  No regrets.  Put some mixture in the center of tortilla and wrapit up.  You can cut it in half if you want and see how tasty this looks.  In the box Iam also adding some strawberries and two pieces of dark chocolate for the desert.  Again, youcan prepare this lunch in advance so in the morning you just grab your lunch box and youare good to go.  Another little idea - make this tuna mixture and instead of putting itin the tortilla use it as a topping for pasta.  You get the most delicious pasta salad ever,and if you want a bit healthier version try using spelt pasta instead of the usual wheatone.  So good, I promise!These were my ten healthy lunch and breakfast recipes.  I hope you will try them out andwill like them as much as I do.  Let me know which recipe is your favorite and don't forgetto give the video some love if you want more tutorials like this.  Thank you so much forstopping by, I love you guys and I'll talk to you soon.  Bye!Eating healthy on the go is not easy.  Usually when in a hurry we end up snacking on chocolatebars, pizza slices and other fast food options.  Take some time today and make yourself a goodnutritious breakfast or lunch for tomorrow.  You will feel so much better, fresh and energized. . . ready to tackle the world!

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