
How to Cure Acne: 4 Secrets to Naturally Getting Rid of Acne Forever

Hey, guys, Dr.  Axe here from DrAxe. com.  Today I'm going to share with you my four secretsto get rid of acne forever.  I'll tell you, this is probably going to be the most effectiveacne treatment plan you will ever hear in your life.  I'm going to break down top foodsto get rid of acne, the top supplements to get rid of acne, the top face wash.  Also,the top foods you must get out of your diet immediately if you want to get rid of youracne for good. One of the main causes of acne today is the buildup of bad bacteria, yeast and candidain your gut and digestive tract.  So if we're going to cure candida forever, if we're goingto cure acne forever, there are a few things that you must do.  Let me also say this.  Whatare some of the causes of this? You may say to yourself, "I don't know what caused myacne.  I don't know what necessarily caused bad bacteria to grow on my body," which againis a major causative factor.  I can tell you this right now.  If you have been exposed toor taken antibiotic drugs in the past that can be a major causative factor.  If you'vetaken birth control pills, if you've drank chlorinated and fluorinated water, if you'veconsumed too much sugar, all of these things can increase the growth of bad bacteria, yeastand candida within your body. So let's talk about our number one secret for getting rid of acne for good.  Remove thesethree foods.  Number one, you've got to get sugar out of your diet.  Sugar feeds yeastand it feeds candida, so we've got to get the sugar out of your diet.  I recommend gettingsugar out and replacing it with stevia.  Stevia is an all-natural, low-calories/no caloriesweetener that you can use instead.  So use stevia.  If you want to use something thatactually has sugar and you're baking or cooking, use raw honey.  Raw honey is going to be yourbest overall sweetener with sugar if you're trying to get rid of acne. The next food you must get out of your diet to overcome acne is reducing your grain intake,especially gluten.  Gluten can cause inflammation of your intestinal tract.  When you have inflammationof your gut it actually shows up on your skin.  A lot of people think when you have acne ora problem like eczema, that's just a skin issue.  No, that's an intestine issue, that'sa gut issue.  If we can heal your gut, if we can kill of the bad bacteria, your acne andproblems like eczema would disappear forever. So number one food-wise, get rid of the sugar out of your diet.  I'm also talking about reallylowering your fruit intake as well, really only consuming berries in moderation for atime being.  Lowering your fruit intake, getting rid of grains or lowering grains, or at leastgoing gluten free with your grains.  And then the last thing here is staying away from hydrogenatedoils.  Obviously, bad fats increase the amount of oil your sebaceous glands on your skinreally start to produce.  So again, getting those bad fats out. If you can do those dietary changes, get the sugar out.  Rather than using grains, usingproducts with coconut flour or almond flour are good options rather than hydrogenatedoils.  Switching over to coconut oil is a great option for getting rid of acne. Let's talk about the top foods you've got to start eating to get rid of your acne forgood.  Three main foods you want to be getting in your diet; number one, foods that are highin fiber.  Fiber can actually reduce acne and actually kills off bad bacteria in your gut,increases the growth of good bacteria known as probiotics which is very important.  Sofiber is really important to get in your diet.  Your best sources of fiber are going to beseeds like chia seeds and flaxseeds, also nuts like almonds.  Those are some great options. And then vegetables.  Vegetables and sprouted nuts and seeds will help you get rid of acne. Another important aspect of getting rid of acne for good is balancing out your bloodsugar levels.  If you're consuming a lot of sugar it's going to cause your blood sugarto go up and down.  That causes bad bacteria to grow, also causing acne.  So the next nutritionalstep is consuming more protein.  Getting good quality protein sources like organic chickenand turkey, grass fed beef, wild caught fish, organic eggs, these are all great sourcesof protein, even sprouted brown rice protein.  Getting some good protein in your diet willbalance out blood sugar levels and help you get rid of acne. Last but not least, you want to consume healthy fats.  The best sort of fat for getting ridof acne is coconut oil.  I would get all other oils out of your household.  I really evenwouldn't use olive oil in large amounts.  I would use coconut oil for all of your cookingand for almost everything you're doing.  Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties, whichmeans it's going to kill off bad bacteria in your body which is going to fight off acne. So again, remember these top foods.  At the beginning, make sure you're getting healthyfat, fiber and protein in every single one of your meals.  What this would look like isfor breakfast doing a smoothie where you put in coconut milk, a couple tablespoons of flaxmeal or flaxseeds or chia, and then getting a good quality source of protein like an organicprotein powder, and doing that for breakfast.  You're getting your fat, your fiber, yourprotein and that's going to help fight acne. Now, let's talk about the best supplements for fighting acne.  Number one is taking agood quality probiotic supplement.  Probiotics kill off the bad bacteria in your gut andreally also help boost your immune system.  Part of acne can be caused by intestinal problems,and 80% of your immune system is located in your gut.  So if you can be consuming probioticrich foods like cultured vegetables, kefir, yogurt, amasi, different products that arehigher in probiotics, that's going to help big time in taking a good quality probioticsupplement.  About 50 billion IUs daily is what you want to look for in a probiotic supplement. The next supplement that will help big time is Zinc.  Where does zinc work? Zinc helpsrepair your gut lining and naturally boosts your immune system.  Taking about 50 milligramsof zinc a day is very effective in fighting acne.  The third nutrient and vitamin supplementyou want to be getting in your diet to fight acne are antioxidants.  I believe the one thatis most effective is elderberry.  You can buy elderberry syrup or elderberry extract.  Puta tablespoon of that in your smoothie every morning for breakfast that I just mentioned. If you do those three supplements, those are very, very effective at fighting candida. Last thing here, you can even also do one other thing.  Consider doing a candida cleanse. That's basically where for about a week straight you basically get all sugar out of your diet,all grains out of your diet and really consume a diet high in probiotics, high in certainother foods like fiber, but really, this how you should be eating on a daily basis in general. Last but not least, when you're using a face wash, go and buy tea tree oil face wash.  Teatree oil is completely natural.  It's an essential oil and it kills off bad bacteria on yourskin and moisturizes at the same time.  So go and find a good organic tea tree oil facewash. So what are your four steps again here to get rid of acne forever? Number one, removesugar from your diet, remove gluten from your diet and most grains, and then get rid ofthe bad oils like canola oil and vegetable oil.  Switch over to healthy oils like coconutoil.  So again, those are your food changes. Number two, let's talk about the foods you must be consuming.  You've got to get healthyfats like coconut in your diet every day.  You need healthy protein like grass fed meatand organic chicken and turkey.  Also, you need to be consuming fiber-rich products. And the last couple of things here, supplement-wise you've got to get more probiotics, zinc, antioxidantsand tea tree oil face wash.  If you do those things, you're going to fight acne and getrid of it for good. Hey, guys, if you like this video I recommend you subscribe to our weekly YouTube videos,and can't wait to see you next video.

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