
The Secret To Good Digestion, Longevity And Health + Smoothie Recipe – Saturday Strategy

Every year American consumers spends millions of dollars on enzymes.  Enzymes to this, enzymesfor that, enzymes to digest this.  What do we have in front of us? We have one of nature’smost powerful enzymes on the planet and I’m about to show you a smoothie that’s absolutelyso creamy, so delicious, so decadent, so desirable that when you drink it you are absolutelygonna be transfixed to a place in Mexico that maybe you’ve been, maybe you haven’t beenthere yet but I’m taking you there today with this digestion smoothie.  Absolutely amazing!So as you can guess it, the papaya you can get at your grocery store or farmers market. Papaya contains the digestive enzyme Papain which is used like Bromelain right? Bromelainis in pineapple.  It’s what’s used on a lot of homeopathic medicine for anti-pain,anti-inflammatory, for allergies, sinuses, stuff like that.  It promotes strong immunesystem, 80% of the immune system is in the gut so as you guess if it’s like an enzymeit actually helps your gut heal as well.  Great for cancer prevention so anybody that’sexperiencing cancer out there, papaya’s absolutely amazing! It’s loaded with fiberand has tons of other amazing benefits, nutrients, aminos, and phytochemicals, all of those thingsthat we’d love to get down with at FitLife TV.  I’m about to make this smoothie.  I’musing the Blendtec blender today.  I absolutely love my Blendtec and I know you will as well. Alright so let’s talk about the ingredients.  We got one papaya and a mid to small.  We havea pineapple which is loaded with vitamin C and it’s also a super human immune boostingfood that’s gonna help us with that because of the bromelain and it also helps with digestivesupport so that’s the name of the game.  We have about a handful of spinach dependingon how big your hands are right? We have a half of a cucumber that’s gonna help giveus a base.  It’s gonna make it a little bit creamier as well.  Absolutely amazing.  I haveone banana.  Banana is going to sweeten it up a little bit, add a nice flavor to it. Banana’s actually have an ingredient in here, tryptophan which converts to serotoninin the gut so it makes you happy.  Coconut water is also full of potassium.  Coconut wateris amazing at replacing those electrolytes if you’ve been out in the sun, maybe you’vebeen working doing your thing you need a little coconut water.  This is the pink, pink actuallyhas more nutrients than regular coconut water.  Love the taste of that.  Alright here we gomy friend, wow! Creamy, delicious, delectable, divine smoothie guaranteed to make your bodyrock! Love this stuff.  Alright so at that time who won the juicer? Remember next weekif you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottom of this blog post, leave a commentbelow about how your life is changed by implementing some of the strategies and tips that we talkedabout on FitLife TV.  Today’s juicer winner is Linda MacDonald! Linda use this juicerfrom Kuving’s to radically increase the amount of fresh veggies and fruits in yourdiet.  Keep us posted on how amazing you feel.  Congratulations Linda! If you’re lookingfor something to mix after workout there are some papaya in there get that digestion going,help assimilate those nutrients, help shuttle that protein into those muscles after workout. Now this is not a weight loss smoothie, I never said this is gonna help you lose weight. This is a smoothie that I would probably have after workout.  I may actually add a littlealmond butter in this too just to mix it up a little bit.  David actually came up withthat idea, our video guy right? Almond butter, it’s gonna help balance out that sugar spikefrom the banana and everything else.  Absolutely amazing smoothie though.  Your guests whenthey come over, you make this smoothie for them they’re gonna be blown away with thetaste.  So try it out today! As always my friend, remember we’re in this together.  MotherNature has all the answers we’ll see you soon.  So if you’re looking for somethingto mix? That’s actually really good.  I had a friend who tell me he used to cut up papayaand actually put it on a New York strip steak and he left it there and as time went on itstarted to deteriorate, I got a little bit of speech impediment today, it started tobreakdown the steak.  Now that’s amazing! So papaya, you ever seen this thing? Thisthing can get huge, am I right? They get massive.  Have you ever seen a papaya that’s just…

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