
14 Ways to Improve Memory and Brain Health - Saturday Strategy

In the next five minutes I’m gonna bring out the FitLife TV team and we’ll gonnashow you some time tested proven ways to increase your brain function so that as you age, youage gracefully.  You are not forgetting where your car keys are and more importantly youare not forgetting the relationships that you’ve built your entire life with peoplethat you care about.  The important things right? The things that make life worth living. At the end of the day, all of the material objects around us are cool and all but whatwe really love the most is that quality time in the relationships that we have.  If you’renot 100% able to have that present moment that engagement with somebody because yourbrains not functioning correctly, to me that’s not really living.  So I’m gonna show youthis amazing juice recipe that tastes absolutely amazing after the FitLife TV team tells yousome other tips, tools and tactics.  Let’s do this.  I like to do two things, part ofa five minute journal.  One, I list every morning three things I’m capable for and two everynight I list three things that, three major things that happened to me today and changemy brain to focus on all the good things I life.  What I like to do is to make sure thatI take probiotics every single day.  One of the early signs of poor brain function ispoor digestion.  By taking probiotics that helps replenish the healthy gut flora whichwe need for our immune system, our brain health and everything else that’s going on in orbody.  I exercise regularly so whether that’s going to the gym or something taking a walkoutside, may be foam rolling or stretching, move my body every single day and one formerpassion that really helps me maintain mental cognition and keep me smart, keep me on mytoes.  My favorite little trick for boosting cognitive function and helping my brain willbe fasting and it’s based on the promise that digestion is a distraction.  It does requirea lot of brain activity that we otherwise would associate with what we’re workingon, you know creative aspect when I write or when I edited video or when I’m comingup with brainstorming ideas.  So walnuts.  These are good for omega 3 fatty acids which aregood for brain function.  It kinda like oil your little, your little brain creases.  Itis little guys if you want to concentrate, these little guys here, they’re good.  Mytip for you is, is basically meditation.  I spend 15 – 20 minutes every morning, takingsometime to meditate.  Helps me to get centered for my day and really start off my day ona very positive and gracious moment.  I take the time, it’s so important and it’s whatcenters me and grounds me for the day.  So my answer is this, obviously you know I’ma huge advocate of juicing, hydration.  The body is 75 – 80 percent water.  This cucumber,hmm, I had to do that.  So good.  Alright so what kind of juicing recipe we have? Simple. I got one cucumber here, just like this.  I got some parsley, good at detoxifying theblood.  Some lime, it’s gonna cool the body off a little bit.  Who doesn’t love a littlelime? Ginger, it’s gonna help you with your digestion right? They say your gut is yoursecond brain and when you get rid of the inflammation in your gut which ginger helps with, it helpswith the inflammation in your brain does the, you know, neural synapses happening back andforth is even quicker.  We got a little kale loaded with chlorophyll, great for the bloodas well.  Dandelion greens flushes out that liver, again, helps you create bile, goodfor the digestion.  Absolutely amazing, we’ll gonna put a little bit of that in there.  Andone very special ingredient, MCT oil.  They say that two tablespoons of coconut oil perday helps reverse these visible signs of Alzheimer’s which is huge right? A study that was donerecently.  So we’ll gonna add some MCT oil to it and I have a pinch of sea salt.  We’regonna throw in our juice for the minerals.  There’s a 112 minerals in the sea salt thatwe’ve chosen today.  Let’s make this juice and I will drink it, you and me.  Hmm, looksamazing! Little MCT oil, finish it off.  We’re gonna stir it up just like that.  Alright myfriend here it is, little MCT oil on top for that basic juice recipe.  You can check outthe blog below for the ingredients in the recipe once again.  Also leave a comment onthe blog for a chance to win this beautiful Kuving’s juicer.  If you haven’t seen thisyet, look at this thing.  Absolutely amazing.  If you need a juicer, I’m gonna leave alink for that too, you can go ahead and check out and get one of these.  Great investmentfor your health.  Hmm, spicy from the ginger but I like it.  Alright, so who won the juicerthis week? Matt Magee is the juicer winner.  Congratulations Matt! He is a true FitLifer. He’s experienced four concussions in his life and over time, he’s really developeda little bit of mental fatigue/ his memory isn’t like it used to be.  So as you know,juicing can help restore the mitochondrion not only on your body but in your brain canhelp you with neurogenesis, create the motivation that you need.  He actually get to the gym,get those dopamine and those good endorphins in your brain.  So we are huge advocates ofjuicing here and we wanna award Matt a juicer.  Congratulation buddy! The juicer is comingout to you.  Alright so one of the things we didn’t talk about today was the Alpha Reset. The Alpha Reset actually helps cleanse your gut out so that it opens up those neural pathwaysas well helps you create neurogenesis in the brain.  I believe fasting is one of the greatestfor your brain as well, 100 percent.  If I’m ever feeling a little fatigued in the brainlike my mind isn’t working fast enough, what I do is I’ll take a day, I’ll fast,eat moderate the next day and we have that all laid out for you in the Alpha Reset whichyou can download right below this video on the blog, simple and easy.  Thank you so muchfor watching this week’s Saturday’s Strategy.  I’m Drew Canole, remember we’re in thistogether and I’ll see you next week.  See this little guys? Looks like your brain right?Oops.  This is your brain nut on walnuts right? Um, left brain, right brain sort of well…

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