
Healthy Meal Prep | Week 1

Happy New Year everyone! I am so excited to welcome 2016! I have a feeling it is goingto be an absolutely incredible year and I can't wait to share it with all of you.  Nowto be honest I was a little decadent over the holidays so I've made it my New Year'sresolution to get back on track and start eating well.  And I've created a couple newgreat series ideas for the month of January to help me do that.  And hopefully you willfind them as inspiring as I do.  Now the first is called my 30 Day Smoothie Challenge andit's going to be happening entirely on Instagram.  So if you don't follow me on Instagram, headover to thedomesticgeek1.  I'm going to be sharing a brand new smoothie recipe everysingle day of January.  The second series is going to be all about Healthy Weekly MealPrep.  Now a few months ago I posted a weekly meal prep video and you guys seemed to loveit and you've been asking for more ever since.  So every Thursday, through the month of JanuaryI'm going to share a new Weekly Meal Prep video to get you inspired for the week tocome.  Basically, this is a way to do all of your cooking on Sunday and set yourself upfor success the entire week.  You'll also be able to find all of the shopping lists onthedomesticgeek. com so once you're done watching this video head over there and you can justprint out the shopping lists, take them with you to the grocery store and boom, you areready for the week.  The star of the show this week will be these beautiful salmon filets. Now I'm just going to create a really basic marinade for them and bake them in the oven. It could not be simpler.  I'm basically combining some olive oil, a little bit of fresh lemonjuice, some garlic and some salt and pepper.  I'm going to whisk this together really, reallywell and pour it over my salmon filets.  Now we're going to let these sit for fifteen ortwenty minutes so they can absorb all of that deliciousness.  In the meantime, I'm goingto get started on my rice.  Now I'm using some brown and wild rice so it takes just a littlebit longer to cook - about 30-40 minutes.  So what I'm going to do is combine the riceand some vegetable stock with a little bit of garlic in a pot.  I'm going to bring thisto a boil and then once it's reached a boil I'm going to turn the heat down to low, putthe lid on and let it simmer for 30-40 minutes or until it's soft and delicious.  While myrice is simmering away, I'm going to put my salmon in the oven at 350°F.  We're lookingfor about 15-20 minutes or until the salmon is completely opaque all the way through. In the meantime, I'm going to get started on wilting my spinach.  All I'm going to dois in a frying pan, heat up some olive oil, add a little bit of garlic and then, in goesmy spinach.  I'm going to put the lid on and allow it to wilt completely.  Once it's done,I'm just going to put it in a container, let it cool and then I can eat it for lunch anddinner all week long.  Now I think it is really important when you're doing weekly meal prepto make a nice, big salad that will last all week long.  That way, when you're feeling peckish,you'll reach for that instead of some potato chips or cookies.  Basically for this salad,the secret is not to use any lettuce because lettuce will just not hold up to a dressingall week long.  So I've got some beautiful cherry tomatoes standing by and to that I'mjust going to add some gorgeous pepper - I love bell pepper.  They're so delicious.  Andsome kalamata olives which add a beautiful saltiness to this.  And then we're just goingto add a few cubes of feta.  And when I say a few, I mean a lot.  Some olive oil, a littlebit of white wine vinegar for some acidity, some salt, some pepper and my favourite homemadeGreek seasoning.  Next up, I'm going to prep my raw veggies.  Now these are great to haveon hand when you're having a snack attack.  So this week I am going to be prepping somecarrots, some zucchini, and a little bit of cauliflower.  Next up, I'm going to prep myfruit.  This week it's going to be some pineapple and some mango.  And don't sweat it if youcan't finish all of this fruit within the week, you can totally freeze it for smoothiesnext week.  Finally, I'm going to make one of my very favourite snacks - it's a supersimple trail mix and it's perfect when you have a case of the munchies.  So in a largebowl, I'm combining some almonds, some walnuts, some cranberries, and some raisins.  It's assimple as that.  I really hope you find this weekly meal prep helpful and remember, allof the shopping lists and recipes are listed in the description box below.  All you needto do is click the Show More button, They'll also be posted on thedomesticgeek. com so besure to check them out there.  And if you give them a try, be sure to Tweet or Instagramme a photo because you know I love seeing what you're coming up with in your very ownkitchens.  And finally, if you haven't already, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to The Domestic Geekbecause there's lots more Weekly Meal Prep where this came from :)

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